Starting out as a solopreneur includes numerous changes in asset management and financial discipline. When you’re an employee, you need to make sure to fulfill your business tasks on time. As for finances, you get your salary and use it for personal purposes.
Solopreneurs, on the other hand, are liable for both their business and personal assets. If they’re registered as sole proprietors, their personal belongings are not separate from their business assets, from a legal point of view. Owners of LLCs, on the other hand, don’t guarantee with their personal goods for eventual business losses.
Still, both types of solopreneurs need to apply some strict measures in terms of discipline. We hereby present some easy and effective tips for that purpose.
1) Reducing excessive overheads
When you go your own way, business-wise, it’s not difficult to overrate your skills, especially when it comes to financial planning.
In that light, many new solopreneurs decide to rent a business office, equip it with an abundance of devices, and subscribe to numerous business tools.
Such impulse spending will cause a lot of unnecessary overhead expenses that will eat a significant portion of your business budget.
Therefore, take it easy at the beginning and don’t make too many obligations when it comes to payments. For instance, you might start working from home or choose a co-working space while you’re still the only person working for your company. You’ll keep a few dollars more in your pocket without affecting your initial efficiency.
2) Covering accounts payable on time
It’s nice when you don’t have to pay for some services. Everybody skips a bill or two to free assets to buy something they need that very month. As for natural persons, that’s not something that will ruin your finances, especially if you’re disciplined enough to pay the skipped bill the following month.
However, businesspeople need to cover their accounts payable on time without exceptions. This is even more important for beginner solopreneurs. Once you start thinking that you can postpone your payments, you might be at the beginning of a potentially dangerous practice for your business liquidity.
Apart from paying your obligations on time, it’s crucial to ensure that you collect your accounts receivable in a timely manner, as well. A failure to do any of these two things may result in unsteady cash flow and difficult asset management.
But being disciplined both as a payer and as a collector will ensure smooth cash flow management, which is the key prerequisite for uninterrupted business operations.
3) Calculating expenses in advance
Even though you might be paying all your invoices on time, there’s always a risk of human error or unexpected costs.
One way to minimize this threat is to hire an accountant to keep your books on your behalf. Even though this is an additional expense for your business, it will help you hold the reins of your finances.
Another way is to handle asset management on your own, but with a little help from SMB accounting apps. These solutions have come a long way in the last few years, and they can be easily used on desktop computers, laptops, and gadgets. You can use them on the cloud so every change your make on any of the mentioned devices is immediately stored. They can be linked to your bank accounts and online payment methods, as well.
Also, such tools will help you calculate all your expenses in advance and automate your payments.
4) Reviewing business budget regularly
New solopreneurs might need a few months to understand how to handle their business budget.
Until you’re sure that you’ve mastered all the planning tricks, it’s important to regularly review your budget, i.e. your spent and collected assets.
For instance, you may start with daily checkups. At the end of each workday, leave a half an hour to analyze all the payments made to and from your business account. These analyses can be done on a weekly level, as well. When you’re reviewing this cash flow, pay attention to the relevance and importance of each transaction. If you realize you don’t need any of those paid services, react at once and stop using them.
Also, if you notice that some clients are late with their payments, don’t hesitate to send out reminder notices and make sure to get what’s yours without waiting for too long.
5) Using frugal online marketing
It’s almost impossible to keep your head above the water in business these days without online marketing. Some online marketing options are free of charge and some are paid. That’s why rookie solopreneurs should learn what they really need and what is optional.
As elaborated by the experts from a Houston web design company, new business owners need to launch a website. Still, it doesn’t need to be complex, but it should be user-friendly. In other words, keep it simple but resourceful for your users.
What’s more, you should utilize social media to promote your products and services. Also, think about using the blog section to share your business results and success. Business analyses, infographics, and guides are only some ways that can smoothly present your achievements.
Online promotion and marketing tools can present your business to a wide audience of potential customers and generate leads for future business success.
Disciplined asset management is one of the pillars of effective business management. New business owners need to adapt their work habits to the new leaf they’ve turned in their careers. In line with that, spend your assets only on things that are essential for your business and be patient with optional investments. Make sure to pay your obligations and collect your receivables to maintain steady cash flow.
Finally, do your homework when it comes to modern digital options for business promotion. All these features will help you to save assets while gradually building your new business.
Author Byline: Liam Collins is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast working at He spends most of his time reading and writing about the current affairs in the world of information technology. When he isn’t working, he likes going for long bike rides and walks in nature.