Not only can you use corporate Christmas e-cards to spread glad tidings during the festive season to your clients and customers but it is also a great opportunity to offer something that will encourage people to open your card and keep it on file.
The best idea is to add a discount code for future sales or purchases which people can copy and keep to use.
This is where a well-established firm such as eCO2 Greetings really comes into its own. Created in 2008, the firm has helped thousands of businesses around the world achieve more with corporate Christmas e-cards than they would have believed was possible.
This is the time of year when businesses need to stand out from the crowd when coming up with a Christmas design for their cards which then have to be suitable for their business image and to be inclusive for their recipients.
This is where corporate Christmas e-cards really are the smarter alternative seems a firm can choose several different designs or, indeed, have one single design with several different messages to cater for the varying tastes from those receiving the card.
When it comes to corporate Christmas e-cards, there is certainly no one-size-fits-all approach that needs to be adhered to.
Corporate Christmas e-cards are the greener alternative
The issue of carbon footprints and green credentials are increasingly important to a growing number of businesses and the choice of corporate Christmas e-cards will help underline their commitment to the environment.
That’s because corporate Christmas e-cards do not need trees to be pulped to create them, nor do they need to be posted and delivered which takes up fuel and increases CO2 emissions.
Instead, corporate Christmas e-cards are quick and easy to design and create before being sent to an email list which is not also quick but also effective.
And with most holiday times being busy periods for most firms, corporate Christmas e-cards will help your firm stand out from the crowd and help clients remember you in a positive way.
By using e-cards a business can also customise them with logos, their name and an effective promotional message. They can even be tailored so each one has a different greeting for each recipient such as using their first name at the beginning of the message.
The e-card itself is designed to be opened on computers, laptops and smartphones and will have a specific message showing that it is intended for that recipient’s inbox and will not be consigned to their spam folder.
Corporate Christmas e-cards are easy to send
The ease in which corporate Christmas e-cards can be created and delivered makes the entire process not only quick but also stress-free. This is a positive thing when those responsible for creating and delivering a firm’s Christmas card list are probably busy with their other tasks.
Let’s not forget also that corporate Christmas e-cards do not have to be recycled or, worse, sent to a landfill site after the festive season ends.
Possibly the most difficult thing after deciding to send corporate Christmas e-cards is to find a firm you can trust and rely on. This is where eCO2 Greetings really comes into its own.
As one of the longest established players in the e-card market, eCO2 Greetings is a dedicated e-cards supplier and it’s not a sideline to their main business; it is their main business.
Contact eCO2 Greetings to learn more about creating and sending corporate Christmas e-cards and you’ll probably never go back to posting traditional Christmas cards again.