Those who already have a health insurance policy or applied for the same know how tedious and daunting it might be to make the right decision. Primarily you have to choose a reliable company. If you are a fist-time buyer, you may not be armed with much of information about the leading health insurance companies. Even for the seasoned buyers, it will be no less difficult to choose a policy from a plenty of offers. A lot of complications and confusion for you! However, the entire process can be simple and straightforward if you have adequate information at your finger tips. Keep all documents ready so that you won’t have to trawl through your forgotten medical history, it also adds speed to health insurance procedural work.
General Medical History
It is a crucial piece of information that you have to provide to your health insurer. A complete medical record dating back to your childhood days needs to be prepared. You may recall major injuries and illness if those happened during your grown-up period. However, for vaccination and more precise record of your illness and injuries, you need to visit the family physician. Keep the original record with you and submit a Xerox copy of it to the health insurance provider.
Open your old medical file that contains the prescriptions. It is better if you have the prescriptions of last seven years. It gives the insurer an accurate detail of your illness, dosage of prescribed medicines and how long you were on medication. Approach your primary care giver to get the general medical history and prescriptions as well. These two will give your insurance company a fair hang of your health status.
Family Heath History
It is another important piece of information that you may be asked while making a buy of health insurance. Do your family members have any record of chronic illness or hereditary disease? Ask an old member of your family if your close relatives suffered major illness or if there are multiple cases where several members got afflicted with and died of same disease.
Have Everything in Writing
Are you short on your memory? Does it happen very often that you can’t recall some important things? Memory blockage, so you wrack your brain. No need to do so, instead keep everything in writing so that you don’t find any problem in retrieving even the minor details that may help you get a good insurance deal. One thing that most of the people often forget is mobile phone number. So why don’t write the number on a paper and keep it in a safe place? The insurance form contains several blank spaces that you have to fill up. For any health insurance application, you need to provide address proof, phone number, official copies of medical history, names and contact information of your doctors. Keep all those records in front until you are through application process and deal finalizing. More prepared you are, simpler and speedier the application process will be.