If you’re like most people, you work (very) hard for your money, and you expect a lot in return. Outflow of money can be broken into three general segments: spending, investing or saving, and giving. Accordingly, each of these three segments requires careful planning and strategy to reap the greatest possible return.
When it comes to spending, you make budgets and find great deals on the things you need. You bargain with your kids; you negotiate lodging and airfare for your vacations; and, you think hard before you hand over your Master Card and part with your money.
Even when it comes to your investments and savings, you’re probably much the same: you expect high performance relative to the market, and you expect good service and reasonable fees.
Yet, when it comes to your giving, you have probably – perhaps unknowingly – come to expect much less. It’s difficult to measure return on investment for giving for a few reasons: despite the transparency and speed provided by the Internet, it’s easy to feel disconnected and distant from the projects and work you help fund; there’s no stock market for nonprofits; and disclosure and reporting requirements are cumbersome, slow to publication, and difficult to understand.
But you don’t have to settle for lower standards for your giving. You should – and can – demand more.
Bright Funds is a better way to give. It’s a place where your contributions are directed to the world’s most trusted nonprofits working on solutions to the causes you care most about. Bright Funds is personalized. As a donor, you build a portfolio of the best non-profits that matter most to you alone. Perhaps most importantly, Bright Funds gives you as a donor visibility into the work being done with your dollars. You can review your investments, share your successes with friends, and have assurance that your money is funding great projects in the best nonprofits that matter most to you.
You’ve come to demand the most from your spending and savings, and now the time has come to demand much more from your giving. Make it happen with Bright Funds.