If you need to create a stellar personal statement in Finance, you should not spend too much time on gathering information — you have almost everything you need in your mind. However, you will still have to invest yourself greatly to make sure your personal statement for graduate school in Finance is written professionally.
Here, we’ve gathered some tips which will help you with this important assignment.
Personal statement is an essay limited to 4 thousand characters and 47 lines.
This rule is only rarely violated, so make sure to check your instructions carefully. In such a framework, you need to squeeze your thoughts, which will assure the member of the committee that you will be an excellent student of the chosen university and specialization. It is almost the only thing from the submitted documents, which shows that you are a real person, and how much you really want to join the university life.
Start right away.
Do not allow yourself to sit looking at the created blank document on the computer – this demotivates. Sketch out a draft, or at least a plan of what you would like to include in this essay. Use some modern motivating services – Pomodoro tracker or the one where you should set the amount of time you need to write without long pauses or the text will disappear.
Universities are primarily interested in your skills and personal qualities, your interest in the course, your academic capabilities and potential.
This is what should constitute a large part (about 80%) of your motivation letter. The rest of “you” can take hobbies and work experience. In many universities, in particular, in Oxford and Cambridge, they note that they have enough knowledge that you know how to use your free time, and their main interest is still academic life. It is good if you specify the place of work or interests that relate to your chosen specialty or demonstrate the necessary qualities for it. But in any case, do not fool: be prepared for the fact that during a personal interview you will be asked by your letter, and if it turns out that you have written something wrong, you may have problems.
Be very careful not to plagiarize
Motivational letters are tested on a special system Copycatch, which tracks plagiarism in a very extensive library. The last thing to consider is the timing of this letter.
Try to make sure that you have enough time for proofreading.
Carefully read your letter of motivation out loud to identify places that do not sound very much and correct them. After that, go through the text several times, looking for grammatical and punctuation errors. It is advisable to give this letter to someone from friends or relatives – perhaps they will notice mistakes that you have not noticed, or will make their suggestions to the text.
What Do You Want to Study and Why?
Specify the specific aspects of the course that you are interested in, list your work (term papers, dissertations, etc.), it is not superfluous to list the literature that you have read on the subject (especially if you enroll in a bachelor’s degree), work experience in the specialty, participation in scientific conferences and competitions, your personal life experience, which contributed to the choice of a future specialty.
Your previous experience, which shows that you are a responsible person. Work, own business, social and charitable work, participation in the organization of various events.
Your interests and skills. Leisure hobbies; the sport in which you do and your success in it; possession of musical instruments; additional subjects that you studied; various courses that you attended; languages you speak
The admissions office is looking for students interested in the chosen subject, your task is to prove it. If you are writing a personal statement for the admission to the master’s or graduate school focus on scientific advances and interests like any professional academic writer would do.