On contrary to popular belief, travelling is not really expensive. Travel is not only for the high-heeled persons but also for the budget travelers. Occasional escapes into the serene lap of nature are really invigorating and even the low-budget spenders can experience it without busting wads of cash. More to your amazement, budget travel is not meant to sacrifice your comfort but to arrange everything in such a wise manner that you can make a fine balance between your needs and affordability.
Here are some simple tips on how to save money while travelling.
Save a few bucks on accommodation: If you are on a tight budget, don’t you think it is better to seek for cheap accommodation? Before you actually start your journey, make sure to book hotels that offer accommodation and that too without pinching in your pocket. If you are travelling on your own, then making arrangement for yourself will not be a very big issue. Spending a chilly night on a roadside bench and under the warmth of thick blanket will not be a very bad idea for an adventurous traveler! It is really sort of lifetime experience and s worth penning down. And what can be a better idea than this as to how to save money while travelling?
And you may have heard about some travelers who have spent their entire tour in a private guest room. They even slept on futons and couches and yet got up in the morning with hanging smile. Another great way to save your accommodation cost is to work in hostel. Well, please don’t turn your nose at this proposal. I do know that this is not a great job offer. But doing so during your tour will at least help you get free accommodation.
However, such ‘dare and no care’ attitude must be avoided when you are travelling with your family. There are several reputed travel sites and they allow you to do online reservation. Some hostels offer special offer on ‘food and lodging’ during a certain time of the year. Availing these offers will also help you save a tidy sum. What I mean to say that you need to be a little bit creative to discover the ways as to how to save money while travelling.
Save on food & beverages: Some hostels charge exponentially from the backpackers. Spending heavily on your food and beverages will shoot up the travelling cost through the roof. I do think that cooking by yourself is the best way to trim your expenses. It is also healthy for you. Cooking up your own food will bring a 50% saving on what you have to spend on dining in the restaurant. Definitely a great tip on how to save money while travelling. And trying out your own culinary excellence is something that you will really enjoy!
Save on transportation cost: As your budget is limited, never travel by luxury bus or in private coaches. Instead, get into local bus or train. It is not only a cost saving idea but you will really enjoy every moment of your journey. While sightseeing, follow the same rule of thumb. By compromising a little bit with your luxury, if you can make good fun and do some cost-cut on your travel budget, won’t be a wonderful idea?